Please add Loxley's products to Product Directory
Lilla Gyarmati
I am based in UK, and use Loxley ( for prints and wall arts. I would love to see their products here :-) (framed w. mats and non-framed products) Thanks
Adrienne Issi Scott
Merged in a post:
Loxleys products
Peter Wills
Would it be possible to add Loxley Colour products to the product directory?
I use many of my products from Loxleys such as the Birchwood, Art Panel and Floating Block.
Adrienne Issi Scott
Adrienne Issi Scott
Hi Peter Wills and Marsha Cooper! I've gotten a handful of Loxley's products added into Swift Galleries. The newest update allows you to load the product straight into your account. No more going to the Wall Art Products page and downloading then uploading into your account.
I don't have all the products from Loxley you've specified, but I have a bunch in there so far. Hopefully those can tide you over for now! Let me know if you have any other specific requests and I'll take a look.
Also, Loxley has been amazing and helped me choose the first list of products to add in based on their sales trends!
Marsha Cooper
Adrienne Issi Scott: That's great news, I'll take a look later today. Thank you Adrienne.
Adrienne Issi Scott
Hi Lilla Gyarmati! I included a few of Loxley's products. They're already built into the Swift Galleries app. I've only gotten one box frame color so far. If you can give me a specific frame and color option, I'll see if I can build that in, hopefully next week. Thanks!
Marsha Cooper
I've been looking at Loxley's website and would love to see multiple aperture products. I am particularly interested in their coastal frames (under framing) but they have an awful lot of mount options!
Adrienne Issi Scott
Marsha Cooper: Thanks for the feedback, Marsha! I've been emailing them back and forth about options for frames, and they've put me in touch with someone there who can give me a better idea of what's most ordered by photographers (or on a significant upswing) so we can prioritize best.
Adrienne Issi Scott
Hi Peter Wills! I'm working on this over the next few days, if I can get all their info from them. We can't do the art panel yet, because you'd need to use some workarounds to have multiple photos on one overall product. What's the Birchwood- is it a frame type? I didn't see that as a wall art product. Thanks!
Last question - do you know the art panel bleed per edge? I just sent that question in an email to them but if your response is faster, I'll be able to build it faster. :-)
Peter Wills
Adrienne Issi Scott:
Hi Adrienne. Thanks for getting back to me.
I appreciate the Art Panel Multi would be difficult to work due to the multiple images so that's fine.
The Birchwood is a wooden board made entirely of birchwood with the picture printed directly on to it.
It's saved under Wood, (funnily enough:) in the Wall Products section.
Regarding the Art Panel do you mean the depth of the black edge around the panel?
Unfortunately I'm not in the studio just now and it doesn't mention it on Loxleys website:(
I also offer my customers the Contour, Monochrom Apex and the Oxford Plus frames from Loxleys.
To ask a stupid question, if you were able to intergrate with Loxleys would it offer all their products or just the ones I request?
I tend to offer half my products from loxleys and half from Sim Imaging as there are some things they do that Loxley don't and vice versa.
Would it be possible to add Sim Imaging on as well?
Apologies for being a super pest but if I was able to offer my customers the exact frames and wall art I have on display, (plus giving them the option of a few extras not shown as you can't realistically show everything available), then that would be perfect.
I didn't have the chance to finish setting up my Product Gallery as we have been away for most of last week but I hope to get it set up before the trial offer runs out.
Thanks again.
Adrienne Issi Scott
Peter Wills: Hi Peter! I'm building every CSV myself after getting necessary info on each product from each lab, so I'm doing my best to build the most requested products first. I'm waiting on some info from Loxley so I can build them right now; not sure how long it will take them to get the info back to me. I asked them for the box frame, art panel, alumini, birchwood panel, acrylic gallery, and traditional canvas wrap. We do have an account so have size and price info, but I need the additional info (bleed/wrap, and some hex color codes for frames as well as frame width). For the art panel I just need to know how much of the image might or might not be cut off.
It looks like Sim Imaging does all non-wall art products so I wouldn't be able to make a CSV to be uploaded for them (unless there's some product type I'm missing).
Side note: I'm going to respond to your email in just a minute with a link to setup a call with Chris.